Monday, December 30, 2019

Seasonal Affective Disorder happens in the summer too

Seasonal Affective Disorder happens in the summer tooSeasonal Affective Disorder happens in the summer tooSummer is usually one of the best times of the year. Most of us have finally gotten over the harshness and challenges of winter (and often spring) and are just so excited for the warmer temperatures and sunlight. Even though you are an adult now and have to work (kids have it so nice) everything leise feels a bit more relaxed. Plus, it is prime vacation time and no one judges you for eating ice cream in the middle of the day. However, many people are actually feeling a bit depressed right now and there is a good reason for it. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects 1% of the population during the summer season.Too much sunThough it seems hard to understand that people would be depressed with more hours of sunlight especially after a long, dark winter, it really is all about peoples circadian rhythms. Just like fewer hours of light can make people very depressed in the winter, more hours of light and higher temperatures can impact a smaller group in the summer because of neurotransmitter levels being altered. Symptoms of SAD in the summer include insomnia, agitation, and loss of appetite.Another factor that can contribute to SAD in the summer is the wonderful modern concept of FOMO. Instagram feeds are extra flooded with fun summer pictures during this season (instead of the less jealousy-invoking cars buried in snow photos) which can bring SAD to another level for these people.Summer bummer.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

8 Lessons Gen Z Can Learn from Baby Boomers About Impressing Recruiters

8 Lessons Gen Z Can Learn from Baby Boomers About Impressing Recruiters8 Lessons Gen Z Can Learn from Baby Boomers About Impressing Recruiters Ahhh Gen Z. While you exhibit a digital deftness akin to your Millennial predecessors, your work ethic, sense of social justice, activism and fiscal conservatism are reminiscent of Baby Boomers, your grandparents generation. According to Pew Research Center , Gen Zs were born after 1996. A Goldman Sachs research report notes At nearly 70 million in size and growing . . .this cohort will soon outnumber their Millennial predecessors. Raised by Gen-X parents during a time marred by economic stress, rising student debt burdens, socio-economic tensions and war overseas, behauptung youths carry a less idealistic, more pragmatic perspective on the world. . . and they will be Americas most diverse to-date (first to be majority non-white).A poll conducted by the Lincoln Financial Group describes Gen Zs as optimistic and future-fo cused. Polled Gen Zs define their top priorities as obtaining degrees, securing employment and saving money. Gen Zs indicate that they seek sound benefits, competitive pay and meaningful employment.Baby Boomers , born between 1946-64, earned their generational moniker because of the birthrate spike following WWII. The largest generation, Baby Boomers numbers peaked at about 78 million in 1999. While they took a strong hand in shaping vergammeln workplace mores, Baby Boomers are now leaving it an estimated 10,000 Boomers retire daily. Boomers forged their place in crowded classrooms and fought stiff competition to earn their role in the boardroom. Fitting role models for their Gen Z counterparts, Sally Kane describes them Baby Boomers are confident, independent and self-reliant. This generation grew up in an era of reform and believe they can change the world. They questioned established authority systems and challenged the status quo. So what can Generation Zs learn from Baby Boomers about nailing that big interview and cultivating professional success? Susan Peppercorn , career transition coach and CEO of Positive Workplace Partners , a career consultancy explains Since Gen Zs have little experience in the workforce, Boomers can help them identify their skills, strengths, and interests as well as potential roles that may be a good fit, so that they can position themselves effectively with recruiters. Recruiters help placeindividuals in jobs when the candidate knows what they want and how they can contribute. Most wontbe helpful to someone looking for career advice because they are looking for people that have figured that out. Since Boomers have so much experience, they are well-suited to coaching someone starting their career on how to get the attention of recruiters and work with them.While individual accomplishments are important, knowing that someone can function well on a team is huge. So, emphasize how your efforts advanced the agenda of yo ur drill team, soccer team, chess club or band. Collaboration is key to professional success. Nobody owes you a job, so dont act like itIts impressive to show that you can do great work and give the employer more than they request. Thats how you cultivate professional skills , workplace examples to cite in interviews and glowing professional references. Put your best effort into every job opportunity you get. It matters. Because of the size of their generation, Boomers had to compete for everything, and so do you, Gen Zs. Use every opportunity to develop your skills and talents. Then emphasize instances in which you stood out. Use technology in concert with, not in lieu of, other modes of communicationTechnological fluency is a valuable skill. But it doesnt replace other modes of communication. Face-to-face interactions and phone etiquette are also important. Practice them. Get comfortable talking with people who are outside of your peer group. Try making phone calls in place of texting or emailing so that you become more comfortable with these modes of communication. Its understandable that younger professionals may not have the experience of their more seasoned counterparts. But you have goals. If you want to get an advanced degree, discussing that ambition will impress an interviewer . If you hope to assume a leadership role, that also bodes well. Share your dreams, and tie those to actions youre currently taking. Baby Boomers challenged the world around them. They bucked convention to create a new place for themselves. Those efforts yielded real change. Being shaped by a diverse generation instills a valuable sensitivity. Tend that awareness. It will make you a more astute professional and a more deeply connected menschenfreundlich being.Baby Boomers are a generation to whom nothing was handed. That sounds like you, Gen Zs. Find opportunities and resources where you can, and run with them. You carry on a great legacy.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Richard Laudenat Named ASME President-Nominee

Richard Laudenat Named ASME President-Nominee Richard Laudenat Named ASME President-Nominee Richard Laudenat Named ASME President-NomineeJune 15, 2018 (Left to right) ASME President-Nominee Richard Laudenat, ASME President Said Jahanmir, and ASME immediate Past President Charla Wise at the Presidents Dinner, which was held June 5 during the ASME Annual Meeting in Vancouver, Canada.ASME Fellow and former Board of Governors member Richard Laudenat, P.E., was named president-nominee of ASME at the ASME Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Nominating Committee announced Laudenats selection as the Societys next president during the Presidents Dinner, which was held June 5 at the JW Marriott Parq Vancouver.Laudenat, a resident of East Haddam, Conn., is a former plant manager with FirstLight Power Resources Inc. in New Milford, Conn. He retired from the company in 2015. Laudenat, who spent much of his career at Northeast Utilities in various engineering, project manag ement and operations positions, has more than 40 years of experience in the power industry working on simple cycle combustion turbine projects, power plant cycle optimization, oil-fired boiler design and construction, nuclear power plant design and construction, and hydro-electric plant operations.A member of ASME for the past 27 years, Laudenat was a member of the ASME Board of Governors from 2012 to 2015. He also served as senior vice president of the ASME Knowledge and Communities Sector from 2006 to 2010, vice president of the Energy Conversion Group from 2001 to 2004, chair of the Nuclear Engineering Division from 1999 to 2000, chair of the Council on Engineering Finance Committee from 2002 to 2004, and vice chair of the Sector Management Committee in 2010. ASME President-Nominee Richard LaudenatHe was also a member of a number of ASME groups and committees, including the Council on Engineerings Grant Management Committee, the Energy Committee, the ASME Nuclear Heat Exchanger Committee, the Planning Committee for Codification Standardization Research, and the Gas Turbine Divisions Electric Utilities Committee. He was named a Fellow of ASME in 2004 and received the ASME Dedicated Service Award in 2010.Laudenat, who is a registered Professional Engineer, earned a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Hartford in 1972 and a masters degree in mechanical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Hartford in 1975. He received an M.B.A. in management from Rensselaer at Hartford in 1982.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Why you should let your children fail more often

Why you should let yur children fail mora oftenWhy you should let your children fail more oftenIm not going to apply for this job because I may not get it.Ive heard this statement from several students in the course of my career as a law professor. And its not just job applications. Students are shocked when I criticize their writing. Students are distraught when they get anything less than an A-.Were raising a new generation that doesnt know how to fail.As Jessica Bennettwritesfor the New York Times, faculty at Stanford and Harvard coined the term failure deprived to describe what they were observing the idea that, even as they were ever more outstanding on paper, students seemed unable to cope with simple struggles. According to the American College Health Association, this inability to confront setbacks has, in turn, correlated with an increase in flaute and anxiety across college campuses.And its not the students fault.Were genetically wired to fear failure. Centuries ago, failur e meant getting eaten alive by a saber-tooth tiger. The ancestors who werent afraid of failing didnt live long enough to pass on their genes to offspring.We then reinforce this genetic wiring against failure in our own offspring. We dont let them fall on the grass. We coddle them with participation trophies. We reframe their failures as successes. We focus on conventional metrics of success - the right grades, the right college, the right job.We put their training wheels on but never take them off.This attitude reminds me ofthe famous scenefromA Few Good Men. Our children are like Tom Cruise yelling, I want the truth We respond as Jack Nicholson does You cant handle the truth.To a child raised in this environment, failure can be a deeply unfamiliar experience. If children have never experienced failure, they assume they wont be able to survive it. In their mind, failure is trauma. They become adults utterly unprepared to deal with minor setbacks and fathom even the possibility of f ailing - because weve never really let them fail before.This deep-seated fear of failure is paralyzing. Behind every canvas unpainted, every goal unattempted, every business unlaunched, every book unwritten, and every song unsung is the looming fear of failure.The solution?Let your children fail more often.I know you have the best of intentions. Youre trying to protect them and make them happy. But resist that natural parental instinct. By shielding our children from failure, were doing them a serious disservice.Here are four ideas.1. Share your own failures with your childrenWhile your children may rebel against you, they still put you on a pedestal. Tell them about how youve failed in your own life. Share with them your struggles at work - and even better, ask them how you should handle them. Encourage them to exercise their problem-solving muscles by developing potential solutions to your roadblocks.2. Allow opportunities for failureI dont mean deliberately imposing catastrophi c failures on your children. I mean giving them the breathing room to fail. Encourage them to tackle complex problems, try new things, and push their boundaries.By doing this, youll be vaccinating them with minor failures. Just like introducing weak antigens can stimulate learning in our immune system and prevent against infections, letting your children fail can help them build the resilience theyll need as adults.Take a cue from Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx. She went from selling fax machines door-to-door to becoming the worlds youngest self-made female billionaire. She credits her success toa questionthat her father would ask her every week when she was growing up What have you failed at this week?If Sara didnt have an answer, her father would be disappointed. To him, failing to try was far more disappointing than failure itself.3. Turn failures into learning momentsWhen your children fail, approach their failure - not with dismay or angst - but with curiosity.Isnt it int eresting how sometimes things work and other times they dont? Lets figure out what happened here.As Elizabeth Gilbert writes, Interesting outcomes, after all, are just awful outcomes with the volume of drama turned way down.4. Treat success and failure as the sameWe assume success and failure are binary outcomes, but theyre not. The line between the two can be exceedingly thin, and we ignore it at our peril.Learning moments for children should follow both success and failure. We tend to attribute our childrens success to their genius tendencies and good genes, and ignore the role that luck and privilege play in the process.So, regardless of outcome, ask,What went right here? What went wrong? And what can you learn from this? By the way, this post is a Trojan Horse. You should follow these strategies in your own life, as much as you do with your children.Ozan Varol is a rocket scientist turned law professor and bestselling author.Click hereto download a free copy of his e-book, The Contrarian Handbook 8 Principles for Innovating Your Thinking. Along with your free e-book, youll get the Weekly Contrarian - a newsletter that challenges conventional wisdom and changes the way we look at the world (plus access to exclusive content for subscribers only).Thisarticlefirst appeared

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

ASVAB Scores For Navy Ratings (Jobs)

ASVAB Scores For Navy Ratings (Jobs)ASVAB Scores For Navy Ratings (Jobs)If you are going to join the Navy or any other branch of service, youll be required to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB Test). The Navy uses each individuals results for the ASVAB subtest score areas to determine whether or not a person qualifies for a certain job, or rating. The Subtest Sections The ASVAB subtests are comprised of the following sections, number of questions, and time limit General Science (GS) General principles of biological and physical sciences - includes 25 items that are to be completed in 11 minutes.Arithmetic Reasoning (ARSimple word problems that require simple calculations - includes 30 items that are to be completed in 36 minutes.Word Knowledge (WK) Correct meaning of a word (synonyms) occasionally antonyms (opposite meaning of a word) - includes 35 items that are to be completed in 11 minutes.Paragraph Comprehension (PC)Questions based on the information of several paragraphs that you read - includes 15 items, which are to be completed in 13 minutes. Assembling Objects (AO)Assembling objects questions test your ability with spatial relationships between objects that typically work together.There are 16questionson this section and you will be given 16 minutes to complete them all.Auto and Shop Information (AS)Knowledge of automobiles, shop terminology, and tool use - includes 25 items that are to be completed in 11 minutes.Mathematics Knowledge (MK)High school level math, including geometry, trigonometry, and algebra - includes 25 items that are to be completed in 24 minutes. Mechanical Comprehension (MC)Basic mechanical and physical principles - includes 25 items to be completed in 19 minutes.Electronics Information (EI)Electronic principles, basic electronic circuitry, and electronic terminology - includes 20 items that are to be completed in 9 min and measure knowledge of electric principles and electronic terminology. The VE a nd the AFQT Scores TheVE Scoreis comprised of two of the above sub-tests Paragraph Comprehension (PC) and Word Knowledge (WK) make up the Verbal Expression Score of the ASVAB.You can say that the AFQT is comprised of the VE score plus the math sections. Specifically, the sub-tests used to make the AFQT areParagraph Comprehension(PC),Word Knowledge(WK), Mathematics Knowledge (MK), andArithmetic Reasoning(AR). Combining related subtests that match the requirements of the Navy ratings is how the recruiters will determine if you have the ability/aptitude for certain jobs. ASVAB Requirements for Ratings While these requirements are subject to change, the list below provides useful examples of the individual ASVAB score requirements for the following Navy enlisted jobs Rating (Job)ASVAB Scores RequiredABE - Aviation Boatswains Mate - EquipmentVE+AR+MK+AS=184ABF - Aviation Boatswains Mate - FuelsVE+AR+MK+AS=184ABH - Aviation Boatswains Mate - HandlingVE+AR+MK+AS=184AC - Air Traffic Co ntrolmanVE+AR+MK+MC=210 -OR- VE+MK+MC+CS=210AD - Aviation Machinist MateVE+AR+MK+AS=210 or VE+AR+MK+MC=210AE - Aviation Electronics MateAR+MK+EI+GS=222 or VE+AR+MK+MC=222AG - Aviation Aerographers MateVE+MK+GS=162AIRC/AIRR - Aircrew ProgramAR+2MK+GS=194AM - Aviation Structural MechanicVE+AR+MK+AS=210 or VE+AR+MK+MC=210AME - Aviation Structural Mechanic - EquipmentVE+AR+MK+AS=210 or VE+AR+MK+MC=210AMH - Aviation Structural Mechanic - HydraulicsVE+AR+MK+AS=210 or VE+AR+MK+MC=210AMS - Aviation Structural Mechanic - StructuresVE+AR+MK+AS=210 or VE+AR+MK+MC=210AO - Aviation OrdnancemanVE+AR+MK+AS=185 or MK+AS+AO=140AS - Aviation kooperation Equipment TechnicianVE+AR+MK+AS=210 or VE+AR+MK+MC=210AT - Aviation Electronics TechnicianAR+MK+EI+GS=222 or VE+AR+MK+MC=222AV - Avionics TechnicianAR + MK + EI + GS = 218AW - Aviation Warfare Systems OperatorVE+MK+GS=152AZ - Aviation Maintenance AdministrationmanVE+AR=102BM - Boatswains MateNone EstablishedBU - BuilderAR+MC+AS=145CE - Construction El ectricianAR+MK+EI+GS=201CM - Construction MechanicAR+MC+AS=162CS - Culinary SpecialistVE+AR=88CS (SS) - Culinary Specialist (Submarine)AR+MK+EI+GS=200 or VE+AR+MK+MC=200CTA - Cryptologic Technician - AdministrationVE+MK=102CTI - Cryptologic Technician - InterperativeVE+MK+GS=162CTM - Cryptologic Technician - MaintenanceAR+MK+EI+GS=223CTO - Cryptologic Technician - CommunicationsVE+AR=102CTR - Cryptologic Technician - CollectionVE+AR=109CTT - Cryptologic Technician - TechnicalVE+MK+GS=162 (CCT AEF Program AR+MK+EI+GS=223)DC - Damage ControlmanVE+AR+MK+AS=200 or MK+AS+AO=150ND - DIVER - Navy Diver ProgramAR+VE=103 -AND- MC=51EA - Engineering AidAR + 2MK + GS = 210EM - Electricians MateVE+AR+MK+MC=209EN - EnginemanVE+AR+MK+AS=195 or VE+AR+MK+AO=200EO - Equipment OperatorAR+MC+AS=145EOD - Explosive Ordinance DisposalAR+VE=109 and MC=51 or GS+MC+EI=169ET - Electronics TechnicianAAR+MK+EI+GS=223ETN - Electronics Technician (Submarine)AR+MK+EI+GS=222 or VE+AR+MK+MC=222FC - Fire ControlmanA R+MK+EI+GS=223FT - Fire Control Technician (Submarine)AR+MK+EI+GS=222GM - Gunners MateAR+MK+EI+GS=205GSE - Gas Turbine Systems Technician - ElectricalVE+AR+MK+MC=209GSM - Gas Turbine Systems Technician - MechanicalVE+AR+MK+AS=195 or VE+AR+MK+AO=200HM - Hospital CorpsmanVE+MK+GS=146HT - Hull TechnicianVE+AR+MK+AS=200 or MK+AS+AO=150IC - Interior CommunicationmanVE+AR+MK+MC=209IS - Intelligence SpecialistVE+AR=107IT - Information System TechnicianAR+2MK+GS=222 or AR+MK+EI+GS=222LN - LegalmanVE+MK=102LS Logistics SupportVE + AR = 108MA - Master at ArmsAR+WK=98 and WK=43MC - Mass Comminication Specialist VE + AR = 110MM - Machinist MateVE+AR+MK+AS=195 or VE+AR+MK+AO=200MM - Machinist Mate (Submarine)VE+AR+MK+MC=210MN - MinemanVE+MC+AS=161MR - Machinary RepairmanVE+AR+MK+AS=200 or MK+AS+AO=150MT - Missile TechnicianAR+MK+EI+GS=222 or VE+AR+MK+MC=222MU - MusicianNone establishedND Navy DiverAR+VE= 103 and MC=51NF - Nuclear FieldVE+AR+MK+NAPT = 290 (with minimum 50 NAPT score) or AR+MK+EI+ GS+NAPT = 290 (with minimum 50 NAPT score) or VE+AR+MK+MC = 252 (No NAPT required) or AR+MK+EI+GS = 252 (No NAPT required).OS - Operations SpecialistVE+MK+CS=157 or AR+2MK+GS=210PS - Personnel SpecialistVE+MK=105 or VE+MK+CS=157PR - Aircrew Survival EquipmentmanVE+AR+MK+AS=185 or MK+AS+AO=140QM - QuartermasterVE+AR=97RP - Religious Program Specialist VE + MK = 105 OR VE + MK + CS = 157SECF - Submarine ElectronicsAR+MK+EI+GS=222 or VE+AR+MK+MC=222SH - Ships ServicemanVE+AR=95SB - Special Boat OperatorAR+VE= 103 and MC=51SO - Special OperatorGS+MC+EI=170 or VE+MK+MC+CS=220 or VE+AR=110 MC=50STG - Sonar Technician - SurfaceAR+MK+EI+GS=223STS - Sonar Technician (Submarine)AR+MK+EI+GS=222 or VE+AR+MK+MC=222SW - SteelworkerAR+MC+AS=145UT - UtilitiesmanAR+MK+EI+GS=201YN - YeomanVE+MK=105 or VE+MK+CS=157YN - Yeoman (Submarine)AR+MK+EI+GS=200 or VE+AR+MK+MC=200

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Basics of Illustrator Resume

The Basics of Illustrator Resume The Basic Facts of Illustrator Resume 7 Another absolutely free Illustrator resume schablone on the list. You should develop into an Illustrator You dont need to be certified to develop into an Illustrator. The clean Adobe Illustrator resume has three different color schemes to select from so that you may make a decision as to what color is perfect for the job which youre applying to. To continue, here is the upcoming useful and totally free PSD resume template for your requirements All you have to do is choose one particular template that you decide fits your requirements. Not only do you get a resume template, but you receive a matching small business card template to generate business cards you can hand out to anybody you desire. Though theres no cover letter template included, it ought to be simple enough to create your own. CV is simply a slice of paper that may work like magic for you. Secondly, youve got to concentrate on the plan of your CV. You can discover the ideal template and design your resume intended for the specific job. Its possible to make the the majority of the template for your job entirely free of charge or for commercial function. Illustrator Resume - Dead or Alive? Employing a resume builder might also be an excellent learning experience for you. More frequently than not, customizing your resume does not signify a major rewrite, but instead just a couple of tweaks. Men and women utilize an assortment of resume templates which use different type of design approaches, but ultimately its always likely to come to the simple fact that your resume should convey a very clear message above your skills, your experience, and also why youd be the ideal candidate for the position. The whole selection of resume templates is made up of an array of creative resume designs. Also included are 67 free icons so you can demonstrate the upcoming employer you learn how to use visual cues to catch their eye. If people see your art, they are aware that its you. Adhere to a conventional list or bullet point format to underline the skills you do have, and just leave out the ones which you dont. Firstly, theres a functional format of resume that you could use for your requirements in the event you want to emphasize your abilities. You also need to produce a portfolio. You have your portfolio to monitor your style. It is vital to prepare a sound portfolio of work that may be utilized to demonstrate abilities. The internet portfolio will allow it to be simple for folks to locate your work. Because what you can do to help the customer or employer is the principal thing youre attempting to express, it is sensible to include another section for skills and certifications. Youve probably already seen a dizzying amount of online ideas for how to compose a resume, and arent sure about the way to make sense of it all. Some people might not like your work. Consequently if youre trying to be gi ven a work ( not just any undertaking, but the job which you want), be certain you do things right and work out how to make an outstanding curriculum vitae. Watch the subsequent video to learn to compose the ideal recent-graduate resume for an entry-level position. Every candidate whos on the lookout for a job want to make a specialist resume for their interview. If you wish to get a nice job, you require a good resume. Still, its not that sad if you are aware that you hope to find the job of your dream. There are lots of opportunities offered for Illustrators. It is possible to also learn different skills. Create a section where you could list down special abilities or qualifications. The initial one is about outlining your abilities and your availability in a given job position. Get exploring and perhaps you are spotting something which you feel is going to earn an effect on your job seeking process. If you simply left your present job, edit work experience. Its difficult m ore than enough to find work. You are going to want to take into consideration the form of work you really are interested in being employed that you do.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Shaping the Next Generation of Women in Tech

Shaping the Next Generation of Women in Tech Do you want to help shape the future generation of womenintech? Female leaders at TEALS (and a few of their volunteers) are joining us for a virtual Q&A at 1pm EST to share tips on how YOU can get more involvedJoin us One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site ? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent geschftlicher umgang strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadershi p roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average sal ary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Vacationing somewhere new has surprising mental benefits

Vacationing somewhere new has surprising mental benefitsVacationing somewhere new has surprising mental benefitsDo you vacation in the same quaint town in Maine every year? Love that Florida timeshare? Try going someplace different next year, suggests psychologist Todd B. Kashdan in the Harvard Business Review.There are significant mental benefits to changing the scenery, he writes, especially considering far too many geschftsleben and personal trips are designed to maximize comfort and minimize uncertainty.Kashdans insights about exploring which he says leads to greater emotional agility, increased empathy, and creativity were sparked by a trip to Sri Lanka and Thailand, but theyre also all backed up by research.Heres what can happen when you trade your yearly ski trip for Fiesole.Emotional agilityhis refers to the ability not to react immediately, but instead observe your thoughts and rationally plan the best course of action. By spending time in unfamiliar towns, cities, or coun tries, you become tolerant and even accepting of your own discomfort and more confident in your ability to navigate ambiguous situations, Kashdan writes.Increased empathyIn a study of 485 Americans cited by the article, those who had traveled to other countries demonstrated a greater ability to hold off on judging a person until theyd learned more information about them beyond basic surface data like age, gender, or race.CreativitySeveral studies confirmed that international travel leads to higher creativity. Researchers in Singapore found that unusual herausforderung solving was linked to exposure to other cultures and not just travel. Studying languages, eating food and listening to music from other countries, and having international buddies also counted.You dont have to go to Thailand to experience the growth of inhabiting a new place for a while either, writes Kashdan. Different cities and towns also count as long as its a new place where the people there arent just like you. The locale need only to be exotic to yourself. The place outside your comfort zone may be much closer than you think.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

6 lessons to learn from negative feedback on your blog

6 lessons to learn from negative feedback on your blog6 lessons to learn from negative feedback on your blogDont let a couple of negative comments bring you down. Use behauptung tips to deal with the internet trolls.A little blood, sweat, and tears go into each article you write whether its for your job, as a guest contributor, or for a personal blog. So its easy to take it personally when these pieces you worked so hard on get overrun with comments by people critiquing your two cents, the way you delivered it, and even who you are as a person.At first, the influx of criticism may make you feel helpless, but dont be discouraged - any feedback, even hateful comments, is a sign that your article intrigued readers and perhaps even ruffled a few feathers, which is every writers goal. So the next time this happens to you, take a deep breath, and remember these six tips to help you cope with criticism on your beloved blog.Fight the urge to fight backIts no secret that people are more com fortable being outspoken when their identity is hidden behind their computer screen. I can guarantee that alfruchtwein every person who leaves a rude comment on your blog post would never dream of saying something so nasty to your face, despite the mistakes you may or may notlage have made in your article.Whatever you do, it is crucial that you do not respond to rude, superficial comments only written to dishearten you. If readers comment with relevant questions about your article, feel free to answer them, but never address an insult. If more than one reader asks (politely) about a point you perhaps didnt explain clearly enough, feel free to clear up any misconceptions that might change the content or purpose of your article.Know that you might see more hate than loveThe people who feel most compelled to comment are usually the ones who didnt appreciate your work. The ones who enjoyed it probably dont feel the urge to share their thoughts. Unfortunately, your dissatisfied customers are the most outspoken its a fact of life. But you were confident enough in your piece to put your name on it and publish it. You know its good, most of your readers know its good, but you unfortunately might miss out on some much-needed compliments.Try not to focus on the negativity - I promise that for every reader who bashes your post, there are multiple people who loved it but didnt share their opinion with you. A very wise career coach once told me that in a popular blog, negative comments are virtually inevitable - if people put in the effort to be mean to you or rationalize why you messed up, youve made it.Dont delete it just because it bothers youIf you wish to delete comments written by others, thats up to you. Youre definitely free to delete anything slanderous or not pertaining to the articles subject, but if you delete every criticism, youre discouraging all feedback (even helpful feedback).It may be tempting to say goodbye to that slightly condescending, nit-picky pa ragraph forever, but how else will you learn from your mistakes ?Consider that they might be rightEhhh sorry Charlie, but your readers might have a point. While you shouldnt obsess over rude responses, try not to totally tune out criticism - most people dont have the creativity or wont put in the effort to make something up completely out of thin air. Its likely that if multiple people mention the same flaw in your article, you probably didnt present the point you were trying to make properly.Dont be intimidated by your mistake. Just correct yourself by responding to those who respectfully inquired about the mix-up or inaccuracy. Be sure you thank them for their interest in your work.Dont dwell on the negativesIn addition to attacking your writing, some people will personally attack you using any information provided - including your photo or byline. These people are exceptionally cruel, and deserve an eternal bad hair day for being so rude to you when you were just trying to help or entertain them.Try not to let these people phase you. Remember that some people are practically pros at spamming blog posts with derogatory content. Its possible to find a reason to bring down anyone - and some are experts at detecting a weakness just by looking at a headshot or reading a short author bio. Please dont be deterred by such unoriginal, hastily-crafted put-downs.Never stop writingAt the risk of sounding cheesy, dont let a few rain clouds block your sunshine. Most likely, youll have some good Samaritans come to your rescue and defend your writing honor in the comments - those are the readers you know youve really influenced Thats difficult to do, so take immense pride when this happens. It proves that, just how you liked what you wrote and thought it contained valuable information, others agree with you.One last thing, bloggersAs a final note, keep in mind that most things boil down to a matter of opinion A topic youre interested in, a song you love, another articl e you think is brilliant - someone else will detest all those things.If readers comment with conflicting opinions on your topic in an appropriate manner, pat yourself on the back Debate on your post is a sign that its thought-provoking and worth discussing further. Just make sure youre not responding to readers who posted a comment with foul language or mentioned anything about you (not just your content or fantastic writing style).Remember that the people writing negative comments are not your enemies, but internet surfers who might be bored, in a bad mood or just unpleasant people in general. If people are commenting, theyre reading. Do you know what would be way, way worse? If no one read what you wrote. So start brainstorming your next idea, and give everyone even more to talk about

Customize this Outstanding Contract Manager Resume Template

Customize this Outstanding Contract Manager Resume TemplateCustomize this Outstanding Contract Manager Resume TemplateContract Manager Resume Template WritingCreate Resume An effective resume is one that answers the question whats in it for me for the hiring manager or employer who happens to be reading it. Ideally, your resume content should be presented in a way that allows for the quick absorption of key facts and unique reasons to consider you for the job. If youre not sure where to start, use the following Contract Manager resume template as a basis for your own eye-catching resume.Resume Template for Contract ManagerSergio HarringtonProfessional SummaryOutcome-based Contract Manager with a natural talent for assessing the needs of all involved parties to facilitate contract negotiations and compliance. Strong emphasis on scheduling milestones, resolving disputes, adhering to contractual time frames and deadlines and addressing related permitting and regulatory issues. Build po sitive relationships and drive mutually beneficial interactions through strong leadership and productive communications.Core QualificationsBid evaluationsContract negotiationsIndustry standards and regulationsProject feasibility analysisCost evaluationStatistical data analysisExperienceContract Manager, March 2015 PresentA.J. Styles Construction Services, New Cityland, CAHelp clients visualize the entire project to better assess needs before finalizing contracts.Coordinate with all involved parties to ensure that contract terms and adhered to as specified.Provide practical solutions to unexpected delays or scheduling issues possible interfering with contractual obligations.Project Manager, January 2012 February 2015Giles Construction, New Cityland, CAManaged multiple construction projects by efficiently delegating responsibility and implementing effective communication policies.Supervised, coordinated and directed field work while quickly resolving problems with deliveries and reg ulatory compliance.Developed a respectable track record for consistently staying within allocated project budgets.Education2011 Bachelor of Science, Business ManagementUniversity of California, New Cityland, CACustomize Resume

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Poster Entries Being Accepted for the Next ASME Society-Wide Micro Nano Technology Forum

Poster Entries Being Accepted for the Next ASME Society-Wide Micro Nano Technology Forum Poster Entries Being Accepted for the Next ASME Society-Wide Micro Nano Technology Forum The ASME Nanoengineering Council is now accepting poster submissions for the next ASME Society-Wide Micro Nano Technology Forum, to be held during the Societys 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition from Nov. 15â€"21 in San Diego, Calif. The Society-Wide Micro Nano Technology Forum, which has been a highlight of the Congress for the past 11 years, is designed to bring together ASME members and others from different disciplines and divisions with a focus on micro and nanotechnology. Last years Forum featured more than 200 posters and drew more than 500 attendees, according to Stuart Williams, assistant professor at the University of Louisville and chair of the Forum. Students and post-docs are invited to submit abstracts for their posters in the categories of Materials, Bioengineering, Applied Mechanics, Fluids, Micro-electromechanical Systems (MEMS), Electronic and Photonic Packaging (EPPD), and Heat Transfer. These submissions will compete for best poster awards - honors that come with cash prizes - as well as a certificate signed by the ASME president. This event is a great opportunity for applicants to have their work seen by an award selection panel comprising leaders from academia, industry, and government funding agencies. For this years Forum, two Divisions - EPPD and MEMS - have pledged to provide cash prizes for top posters. Attendees this year will see a variety of innovative work across many disciplines - including biology, nanomaterials, micro-fluid dynamics, and energy systems, Williams said. The Forum provides an opportunity for presenters to showcase their work, help maximize its exposure, and network with top colleagues in the field. Williams is organizing the forum along with Ronggui Yang of the University of Colorado at Boulder and Vikas Prakash of Case Western Reserve University. If youre interested in participating in the Society-Wide Micro Nano Technology Forum, submit a one-page abstract of your poster - including title, authors and affiliations - to the Congress website, Track 16-16 between April 29 and June 10. For more information, contact Christine Reilley, ASME Emerging Technologies, at

Monday, November 18, 2019

Verb Thats Whats Happening!

Verb That’s What’s Happening! Verb That’s What’s Happening! Catch recruiters’ eyes with superhero action verbs that describe your career accomplishments.Readers roughly my age will probably remember this installment in the “Schoolhouse Rock” series of musical animations about grammar rules.In the “Verb” sequence, a superhero uses action words to describe amazing feats. By the same token, resume writers can harness the power of grammar to convey memorably a job seeker’s career accomplishments.To score you an interview, the modern resume must be tuned to survive challenges from multiple sources. As we’ve described elsewhere, it needs to present the right keywords in the right context to satisfy basic screening requirements (often checked by software, not people). At the same time, it needs to catch human eyes already strained by dozens of other, competing resumes.As professional resume writers told Lisa Vaas, verbs can make it happen on the human side of the equation.Get your thing in action!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Everything You Need to Know About References for Your Job Search

Everything You Need to Know About References for Your Job Search Everything You Need to Know About References for Your Job Search Everything You Need to Know About References for Your Job Search Nervous about compiling a list of professional references? Don't be. Reference checks are an expected part of the hiring process. In practice, they range from cursory check-the-box exercises to an in-depth set of interviews with people who are not on your reference list. Under the best of circumstances, it can be difficult to know what to expect. Even if you have enjoyed good working relationships with your references, you can never be completely certain they won't say something that might damage your chances of getting a job. A glowing recommendation can make the hiring decision; a non-enthusiastic one hurt your candidacy. Would you like some strategies around professional references? Here are 10 ideas to keep in mind. Related:Free Job-Search Tools Every Job Seeker Needs 1. The answer to Can we contact your former manager? is always Yes. Regardless of how well you worked together, saying that you don't want your former manager contacted is a red flag to your potential employer. In their eyes, it implies that the employmentreference won't be positive, or that you had lied about your position. Don't say No because you don't want to bother a busy professional. Whether or not your former manager chooses to take the call is up to them, but don't hurt your chances by making this decision for them. To be clear, the situation is completely different if the hiring manager wants to speak with your current boss. In that case, it is appropriate to hold off until you have an offer (the hiring manager can make it contingent upon references). 2. Should you be concerned if the company policy is to only confirm dates of employment? I hear this question frequently. Limiting disclosed information to dates of employment is a stated policy in many companies, put in place to protect managers from libel lawsuits. In theory, the policy allows the hiring manager to verify that you were truthful about having worked at that companybut tells him nothing about your performance. If a past manager cannot sing your praises because of a company-wide ban on discussing performance with a third party, does that hurt your candidacy? 3. Your manager is a stronger professional reference than your peers. You have your choices when it comes to the names you list as references. Keep in mind that your direct manager makes a stronger reference than your peers. Because they supervised your work, they can speak to your ability to take feedback, and to your overall performance in the categories that matter most to your job description. Your peers cannot do that, as they only interact with you in a lateral way. 4. The right time to offer references is when you're asked for them. Don't volunteer this information on the first interview, or any time before you are asked. Think of your professional references as a valuable limited resource. You want to be able to give them specific notice of an upcoming call (ideally, with a general description of the company and the position you are interviewing for). That way, they can be prepared to offer specific examples that would be most relevant and impactful to showcase you in the best light. Holding back the professional reference list until it is requested also allows you to be respectful of the time your past managers and colleagues will have to spend fielding calls. Some recruiters make reference check calls before you even become a serious candidate, or use the names to expand their own marketing list both practices can hurt your professional relationships. 5. Should you warn your references? Yes, absolutely. Send a quick email or make a call to let them know that you have given their name as an employment reference. 6. Isn't a job offer that is contingent on a reference check with your current manager risky? Yes. It is possible that a poor or even a lukewarm reference can lead your prospective employer to reconsider the offer. What can you do to minimize the risk? First of all, push back if there is not an actual offer on the table. A thumbs-up, a double wink or an I have a good feeling about this statement from your recruiter does not count. If the prospective employer insists on a professional reference check before the offer, you can volunteer other references first, but keep your current manager off-limits until the offer is firm. Make sure the negotiations are complete and the details of the offer are ironed out. In a perfect world, all that should be left is the reference check and your acceptance. At that point, give your current manager advance warning. Be professional and honest, but don't resign until you have accepted the offer. There is good news in this for you. In my experience, an offer contingent on employment reference checks means that the checks are likely to be cursory. The prospective employer typically wants to be sure you have not misrepresented major facts. 7. What do you do when you need personal references? Don't use your family or relatives. Consider listing your landlord, someone at the organization where you are volunteering, a fellow player in a local sports league, a professor (if your graduation is fairly recent) or a fellow student. The goal of a personal reference is to demonstrate that you are a decent human being. 8. Is there a guarantee that the prospective employer will limit the calls to your reference list? No. They can call anyone. In fact, savvy recruiters will check on companies that you have obviously omitted from your vetted list. They may have their own networks in your old company, so don't expect that they will just call the two people you have listed. A big takeaway from this is, don't burn bridges. Even if you don't think you will ever use that particular manager as a professional reference, don't get cavalier about it. 9. What questions can the hiring manager ask your reference? Anything, as long as it's not protected information such as race, disability, religion, national origin, and age. They can ask about your strengths and weaknesses, the details of why you left, how well you received feedback, and whether they would hire you back if they could. 10. What do you do when a reference you thought would be positive turns negative? This is a difficult one. You thought you had a great working relationship, the performance reviews had been good, but for some reason, the former manager gives you a less than enthusiastic endorsement (or an outright negative one). What do you do? The most constructive strategy is to let it go unless your former manager had misrepresented your performance. He is entitled to his opinion, even if you disagree with it. You may be feeling hurt and blindsided, and those feelings are completely valid. There just isn't a lot you can do once the reference has been given. Even if it has cost you a great opportunity, be gracious and professional with the prospective employer. If you had a good relationship and want to attempt to change the outcome of future reference conversations, you may consider speaking with your former manager. Let them know that their reference is hurting your ability to get an offer, and see if there is a middle ground you might reach. There is no guarantee that they will agree, but it may be worth the try in certain circumstances. In the end, making the most of your employment references is about being an asset to the company you are with, and making smart decisions about timing while you are going through the interview process for your new opportunity. Be professional, say thank you, and do your best to leave your position better than you had found it. If you are going to quit, do so with integrity. Malicious and sociopathic managers aside, doing those things consistently will assure you a good reference: She is fantastic! We wish we could keep her, but since we cannot, you should definitely hire her. Click on the following link for more job-search advice. Recommended Reading: Positive Professional References Are a Powerful Tool How to Choose the Best References for Your Job Search How to Keep a Bad Reference From Ruining Your Career Related Articles:

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Hired! Steering Away from the Auto Industry Crisis

Hired! Steering Away from the Auto Industry Crisis Hired! Steering Away from the Auto Industry Crisis Platform manager leaves Detroit’s auto industry and lands director of quality job in Missouri.With the auto industry going through drastic changes, Will Scruggs knew it was time to start thinking about how his skills as a manager at an auto components company would transfer to a new industry. He also knew that he might have to take those skills outside the Detroit area.While he enjoyed his job as a platform manager at International Automotive Component near Detroit, the OpsLadder member said his wife and he had already talked about relocating for a job if the right opportunity came along. “That way it wouldn’t be such a deep soul search for us. We would have already talked about it,” he said. “I think when you are looking for a job, you need to think about relocation as part of the process.Ӊ€œMy wife is a pharmacist, so her job is portable,” Scruggs said. “Knowing that helped us feel good about moving to a different part of the country.”The decision to leave the au tomotive industry was based on “a lot of little things happening that, taken together, pushed me to start looking around,” he said. “Last September, I was directly tied with Chrysler, and there was a lot of downsizing there. Car sales were getting worse and worse. I needed to do something different; not go back to school, but look at other industries and other companies where there would be opportunities,” he said.Scruggs’ search was twofold: One, he was looking at other regions of the country to which his family would be willing to relocate, and two, he was looking at jobs based on his skill set, not his industry. “It wasn’t easy to go about,” he said. “I looked at several hundred job postings before I found jobs that I was interested in, that were located in areas of the country we felt we could move to. I saw a lot of postings that were related to the automotive field, and I did not want to go back to that.”Scruggs was sure of one other thing: He needed help r e-writing his resume, so he had a professional service do it. “I went to a technical school, so I didn’t have to write,” he joked. “The way they described me to me, they used adjectives that I haven’t used since I was studying for the SATs. It was updated, concise, professional, and I immediately said, ‘That’s money well-spent.’ ”Switching industries By mid-October, armed with a new resume and a better idea of the job landscape, Scruggs was ready to go into full job-search mode. Still, he was very selective. If he saw a posting he liked, he would do a search on the company and decide if it was worth sending a resume to. “I was using all the tools that were available to find out more about these companies,” he said. “There were a lot of postings that I thought I was qualified for, but after researching the companies, decided not to apply. A lot of them were tied to the automotive industry, and I didn’t want to stay with it.“I did enjoy my job,” he said, and if it weren’t for what he sees happening in the auto industry, he wouldn’t be looking to leave. Ironically, he said, about the time he started posting resumes he was moved to another program at his company, where there was a growth path. “But it was limited,” he said. “It was not enough in this economy.”So Scruggs continued posting resumes, and in the en d applied for five jobs at companies located in Colorado, Michigan, Massachusetts and Missouri. By late December, his membership at Ladders had resulted in a phone interview with DTMP, a heavy-equipment manufacturing company in Lebanon, Mo. In mid-February, he was flown to its headquarters for an in-person interview, and by early March, he was hired.In his new position, as director of quality and engineering, he’ll be performing many of the same tasks he did in his previous position, while adding some aspects of manufacturing quality. “It’s a significantly smaller company,” he said. “But it has good growth potential, more potential for experience. It’s what I like to do: planning and management. I think it will be an easy transition. We will be designing parts and making parts, and instead of going on a car, they will go on a tractor or a combine.”It’s personal There was a bonus to taking this job, Scruggs said; In Missouri, he will be moving closer to his parents. “It was a factor in choosing this job,” he said. It was something that had been on his mind, he said; he thought about his parents getting older and more support from family. Scruggs said he knows of other people that have had to move because of a medical emergency, and he’s glad that with this move, he’s now close enough that he won’t be put in that position. “We’re moving on our own terms, not because of a situation that would force us to scramble,” he said.Being proactive about his work and personal life has put him in a place where he said he feels comfortable in an uneasy economy. “People outside of southeast Michigan cannot even imagine how bad it is [in the Detroit area],” he said. “It’s a difficult atmosphere here; unemployment is at 11 percent, and it’s personal. You go to a Cub Scout meeting, and two of the 12 dads don’t have jobs. Some peopl e are tied to the area. I’m glad I am able to leave on my own terms.”

Friday, November 15, 2019

5 Ways to Make Your Recruiters Job Easier

5 Ways to Make Your Recruiter’s Job Easier 5 Ways to Make Your Recruiter’s Job Easier Tactics job seekers can use to work more effectively with recruiters.Here’s a short list of tactics to make the recruiter’s life easier - and increase your chances of landing that job.Don’t try to be a square peg in a round hole.If the hiring company is looking for a candidate with 10 years of experience in small companies, don’t act as if your 20 years at large companies isn’t right there on paper. “Candidates need to know that nothing would make us happier than saying, ‘Yes, this is a good fit,’ “said Marian Rich of Bonell Ryan. “But our clients pay us to bring candidates who most closely align with their ideal profile.”Don’t be cagey about compensation.The first question that hiring managers tend to ask recruiters is how much the job seeker is earning, Rich said. So when candidates hesitate to disclose their compensation or instead inquire about what the prospective job would pay, Rich takes pause, wondering why the candidate is not forthcoming. “It is a lways better to give us the information that we need to represent anyone to our clients and to be as honest as possible around issues concerning compensation,” Rich explained.Establish an understanding about phone calls and e-mails. If your every phone call is not promptly returned, it could be that the recruiter is extremely busy or that your background won’t help him fill an immediate position. While you may disagree, sending frequent or belligerent e-mails won’t change his mind and may make him not want to work with you on future positions. “Every now and then I get a nasty e-mail that will say, ‘This is the third time I’ve sent you my resume and you’re not even bothering to respond,’ ” said Frank Laux, president of Strategic Search Partners in Keller, Texas. ” But they didn’t understand that they weren’t qualified for anything I had.” After your interview with the hiring company, contact your recruiter right away. You may be busy or feel like the interv iew was lousy, but it’s still your responsibility to let the recruiter know how it went. It could be that the hiring company wants quickly to schedule another interview. “The lack of follow-up may show a level of disinterest, which isn’t always the case,” noted Harold Laslo of the Aldan Troy Group in New York.Refer talented friends and colleagues to your recruiter. It could only work to your advantage to recommend talented people to your recruiter(s), even for a role that you wanted but weren’t qualified to perform. Your recruiter will appreciate the help and he may return the favor in the future.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Should You Dumb Down Your Resume to Get a New Job

Should You 'Dumb Down' Your Resume to Get a New Job Should You 'Dumb Down' Your Resume? Should You 'Dumb Down' Your Resume to Get a New Job Imagine yourself in this situation: You're an experienced professional in your late 50s whose background includes high-level managerial positions over the last 10 years. One day, you find yourself laid off. You begin to look for another job, but you can't seem to land an interview in spite of your best efforts. They just don't want someone with your extensive experience. So, you realize you may need to take a step or two down the career ladder. And, with less than a decade to retirement, maybe you don't even want another top-level position. Then, you wonder if you're not getting anywhere because you're overqualified. So, do you downplay your high-level experience? Maybe rewrite your resume by changing those Manager titles to Supervisor and eliminating words like Senior or Executive. Ahhh! you think. This can improve my chances! Or can it? The practice is called dumbing down your resume. Since a resume is all about marketing your skills and experience to land a job interview, dumbing down the extensive experience in your resume might help you over that important hurdle. But at the same time, it could expose you to accusations of not being honest and forthright about your work history. Let's look at how someone might dumb down a resume: ORIGINAL VERSION ABC Company; Anywhere, USA 2006-2009 Senior Accounting Manager Oversaw day-to-day accounting operations of $500 million consumer products goods manufacturer Supervised team of accountants that grew from 8 to 12 Led process re-engineering effort that resulted in 35% faster cash-to-bank, 20% faster time-to-bill, and 15% improvement in revenue collection Established daily cash balance monitoring to ensure adequate cash flow for operating and capital expenses DUMBED-DOWN VERSION ABC Company; Anywhere, USA 2006-2009 Accounting Supervisor Supervised accounting function for $500 million consumer products goods manufacturer Collaborated in process re-engineering effort that resulted in 35% faster cash-to-bank, 20% faster time-to-bill, and 15% improvement in revenue collection Established daily cash balance monitoring to ensure adequate cash flow You're not being dishonest in the second example. In fact, you're telling the truth, just not the whole truth. By editing the parts of the job description that are not relevant to the position you're seeking, you're marketing yourself better for a job at a company that might be scared by the word senior or manager in your job title. If you really need a job as quickly as possible, you might be compelled to take this approach.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Mental Game of the Job Search

The Mental Game of the Job Search The Mental Game of the Job Search The Mental Game of the Job Search Here’s how to turn your job search into a mental game … and win. A job search is the professional equivalent of an Ironman race. It includes running through obstacles, significant distance, and that moment when you think you will never make it to the end. In my experience, what gets successful job seekers to their next great opportunity (without burning out) is a strong mental game. No different from elite athletes who are present to how mindset affects their game, successful job seekers are intentional about their attitude and mental job-search preparation. Just like athletes, job seekers use mental tools to get there. You can borrow those tools if you like. Here is one of my favorites, based on the book Grow on Purpose by Doug Autenrieth. These tips, which he calls filters (like colored filters on your camera or Instagram), come from the Discipline of Centering. Centering is about choosing your mental state at will, as opposed to allowing it to be defined by external circumstances. You are not trying to eliminate emotions, but to generate constructive emotions that support your goals. Try on these mental job-search filters and see if they set you up to make better decisions. Filter #1: You always have choices Alyssa, a 28-year-old professional assistant, was in job-search mode for seven months. She was not getting as many interviews as she would have liked and came to coaching calls exclaiming I don't have any options in this job market! What Alyssa meant was that she was not seeing any options that appealed to her. What was the problem with Alyssa's thinking? Well, it placed her in victim mode stuck in a dead end with no clear next step and without anything she could do to change the situation. A victim sees no choices. A winner, on the other hand, is able to see choices clearly, even if they don't like any of them. After working on this filter and mental job-search preparation, Alyssa realized that her options were wide open. She could freelance as a virtual assistant. She could volunteer. She could change her track completely and answer the wanted ad at a local florist shop (Alyssa created all the flower arrangements for a girlfriend's wedding a year ago she is great at it). What choices to do you have? Filter #2: Life's a game that is best played for fun Research shows that when you approach an activity as a game, you are more likely to stick with it and get better results. Find a way to turn some aspects of what you must do for the job search into a game. How do you do that? Here are some ideas: Make a bet for how long it will take you to create a great cover letter for the next opportunity. Then, set the timer and see how close you came to your prediction. Recruit a friend or a family member to be your ally. Share success stories and brainstorm on challenges. Approach interviews as an opportunity to get better at interviewing. Think of yourself as a tennis player, hitting balls on the court simply to hit better. If you like this concept and would like to know more about it, SuperBetter by Jane McGonigal is a fantastic resource. Filter #3: The present is perfect The present may not seem comfortable, and it may not be your idea of a good time, but it is perfect simply because this is the only present you've got. The moment your mind spins into comparison mode, you have lost the game. Just like an endless Instagram feed of perfect shots and sunny overlays, your mental image of flawlessness cannot compete with your real life. Flawlessness, of course, does not actually exist the way things should be is just an idea in your head. But unlike an inspiring idea that drives you into action, a fixation on flawlessness makes you feel like you are doomed to lose no matter what you do. You don't have perfect control over every moment and every outcome. The only thing you can hope to control is your mind and your actions. That is plenty if you make wise choices and practice mental job-search preparation. Reflect on your past to see how challenges and disappointments have led to new knowledge and new joys. Look to the future to plan for it. Then, stay engaged in the present moment because that's where you can make the most difference. Related:Job-Search Motivation: 6 Ways to Stay Positive The importance of self-care As you practice utilizing these filters and take steps towards the next great opportunity, don't forget to take care of yourself. It is easy to see self-care as a luxury, something you don't have the time or the money for. Please don't fall into that trap. Self-care is anything but selfish. Become strategic about restoring your energy. Diet, rest, exercise, nurturing spiritual connections, engaging in a hobby all of these are important. Be present to what renews your energy and your focus, and make space and time for those activities every day. Here is a short list of possibilities to get you started: Eat minimally processed, naturally occurring foods Drink plenty of water (not just the kind that has been filtered through coffee grinds) Get a full night's sleep, and take naps Go for a walk or run Meditate Find a stimulating project that you enjoy for the sake of itself Learn something new Create a daily schedule to give your day some intention and structure I have done a lot for myself in between jobs related to mental job-search preparation. Some of the best things included: Learning how to drive and getting my driver's license Sewing my own Halloween costume from scratch Creating daily routines, even if I had no outside obligations What will you try to elevate your mental mind game during the job search? Click on the following link for more job-search advice. Let us help you with your job-search game. We'll review your resume for free! Recommended Reading: 9 Ways to Make the Most of Unemployment Land Your Dream Job With These 5 Resolutions Job-Search Frustration: 8 Steps to Relaunch a Stagnant Job Search

Monday, November 11, 2019

Interview Questions To Help Get To Know Candidate

Interview Questions To Help Get To Know Candidate Interview Questions To Help Get To Know Candidate Interview Questions To Help Get To Know Candidate Falcone Conducting an interviewhas turned into a strategic chess game of tricky questions and insightful answers. But it doesnt have to be that way. Knowing what interview questions to askin a way that benefits your company and the candidate can actually be a lot more engaging, selfless, and comfortable. After all, as an interviewer and company representative, you have a gift to give someone whos currently in transition or otherwise looking to assume broader responsibilities in their career. Your recruiting knowledge, wisdom, and insights can go a long way to evaluate a candidates potential fit within your organization and to inspire individuals to grow and develop in their careers. As soon as you begin to see the gift that the interview process holds for both you and the candidate, youll realize that it poses an opportunity not only to assess but to give back and thats the true ah-ha moment of conducting an interview. Interview Questions to Ask that Reveal More The first important insight into getting to know the real person behind the interview faade lies in engaging candidates hearts as well as their minds. Youll know youll have gotten there once applicants begin making statements like, Well, I normally wouldnt say this during an interview, but . . . At that point, you can rest assured that youre communicating with the real person, not just the faade hiding behind the interview hype. And getting there quickly isnt as difficult as you might think, even when meeting someone for the first time. Its just a matter of valuing their needs as much as your own. Open your interview with a broad-based question like: Walk me through your progression in your career, leading me up to your most recent position at XYZ Company. Next, focus on the individuals reason for leaving XYZ Company. Be sure to distinguish between involuntary moves (e.g., layoffs and terminations) and voluntary moves (where candidates leave on their own volition to explore broader opportunities). Segue this reason for leaving question into an open-ended career development query like this: At this point in your career, what criteria are you using in selecting your next role or the next company where you want to work? With that initial response in hand, you can then ask the Big 4 job change and career progression questions as follows: Janet, tell me the top two priorities youre focusing on at this point in your career. Are you hoping more for: (a) greater responsibilities and growth (b) lateral exposure to specific areas in your field (c) more work-life balance, or (d) compensation and benefits. All four are important, but which one or two are more critical for you at this point in your career? This will generally get candidates talking about their own personal career values. No interview prep book in the world generally covers spontaneous interview questions like these! Thats where you want to be in every interview on fresh turf getting to know the real person. Interview Questions to Ask that Prompt Discussion Continue this open-ended discussion by asking: If you were to accept this position with us today, how would you explain that to a prospective employer five years from now? How would this job provide a link in your future career progression? Notice the selfless nature of this query. It requires that the individual fit together the pieces of their career development puzzle, right there in front of you. A logical counterpoint and segue might be for you to address out loud how you see the individuals selection criteria and career values applying to your company. Heres an example: Janet, I really like your technical background. However, Im a bit concerned that as an overqualified candidate,you would accept a lateral title and supervise a smaller team than at your current/last company, so help me understand that . . . This line of questioning will open the door to the bonding relationship youre looking to develop. Candidates will walk away thinking, Wow, Ive never interviewed with a company that took such a strong interest in me and my own needs before. Straightforward, simple, and selfless its so much easier to conduct an interview when youre sharing ideas and focusing on the needs of both company and candidate. In essence, youll have shifted the employee development paradigm to the pre-employment stage. Rather than a mere game of wits, strategies, your revamped interview strategy will garner appreciation and loyalty. It will also help nurture your staff and generate lots of good will in your own career. Interview Questions To Help Get To Know Candidate Interview Questions To Help Get To Know Candidate Falcone Conducting an interviewhas turned into a strategic chess game of tricky questions and insightful answers. But it doesnt have to be that way. Knowing what interview questions to askin a way that benefits your company and the candidate can actually be a lot more engaging, selfless, and comfortable. After all, as an interviewer and company representative, you have a gift to give someone whos currently in transition or otherwise looking to assume broader responsibilities in their career. Your recruiting knowledge, wisdom, and insights can go a long way to evaluate a candidates potential fit within your organization and to inspire individuals to grow and develop in their careers. As soon as you begin to see the gift that the interview process holds for both you and the candidate, youll realize that it poses an opportunity not only to assess but to give back and thats the true ah-ha moment of conducting an interview. Interview Questions to Ask that Reveal More The first important insight into getting to know the real person behind the interview faade lies in engaging candidates hearts as well as their minds. Youll know youll have gotten there once applicants begin making statements like, Well, I normally wouldnt say this during an interview, but . . . At that point, you can rest assured that youre communicating with the real person, not just the faade hiding behind the interview hype. And getting there quickly isnt as difficult as you might think, even when meeting someone for the first time. Its just a matter of valuing their needs as much as your own. Open your interview with a broad-based question like: Walk me through your progression in your career, leading me up to your most recent position at XYZ Company. Next, focus on the individuals reason for leaving XYZ Company. Be sure to distinguish between involuntary moves (e.g., layoffs and terminations) and voluntary moves (where candidates leave on their own volition to explore broader opportunities). Segue this reason for leaving question into an open-ended career development query like this: At this point in your career, what criteria are you using in selecting your next role or the next company where you want to work? With that initial response in hand, you can then ask the Big 4 job change and career progression questions as follows: Janet, tell me the top two priorities youre focusing on at this point in your career. Are you hoping more for: (a) greater responsibilities and growth (b) lateral exposure to specific areas in your field (c) more work-life balance, or (d) compensation and benefits. All four are important, but which one or two are more critical for you at this point in your career? This will generally get candidates talking about their own personal career values. No interview prep book in the world generally covers spontaneous interview questions like these! Thats where you want to be in every interview on fresh turf getting to know the real person. Interview Questions to Ask that Prompt Discussion Continue this open-ended discussion by asking: If you were to accept this position with us today, how would you explain that to a prospective employer five years from now? How would this job provide a link in your future career progression? Notice the selfless nature of this query. It requires that the individual fit together the pieces of their career development puzzle, right there in front of you. A logical counterpoint and segue might be for you to address out loud how you see the individuals selection criteria and career values applying to your company. Heres an example: Janet, I really like your technical background. However, Im a bit concerned that as an overqualified candidate,you would accept a lateral title and supervise a smaller team than at your current/last company, so help me understand that . . . This line of questioning will open the door to the bonding relationship youre looking to develop. Candidates will walk away thinking, Wow, Ive never interviewed with a company that took such a strong interest in me and my own needs before. Straightforward, simple, and selfless its so much easier to conduct an interview when youre sharing ideas and focusing on the needs of both company and candidate. In essence, youll have shifted the employee development paradigm to the pre-employment stage. Rather than a mere game of wits, strategies, your revamped interview strategy will garner appreciation and loyalty. It will also help nurture your staff and generate lots of good will in your own career.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Nuiances of Amazing Resume Examples

The Nuiances of Amazing Resume Examples Resume for profession is vital to your attention. Essentially, you would like to quickly portray that you're a perfect candidate for those forms of jobs you're pursuing. Submit the same resume for each and every job. Your jobs could possibly be varied, your experience and techniques vast, and it can be hard getting it all on paper. It is possible to create new sections, add in unusual info, or develop creative methods to present your qualifications. If you've been at it for a couple of years, locate a template which allows for increased detail of your prior responsibilities and experience. A complete option for candidates with a great deal of experience who desire to have a really good one-page resume template. There are a number of different trends of resumes used to make an application for job openings. What's also cool about our hand-picked selection is the simple fact that lots of packages include bonuses like cover letters or company cards. For example, a chef may opt to emphasize the presentation and speed involved with serving meals to customers. Once you have decided on your perfect resume template from our selection, follow our totally free expert guidance about ways to craft the ideal modern resume. AD Resume templates or CV templates are available anywhere on the world wide web, such as job websites. Point And Click your mouse to select the TYPE of resume you want to make. Based on your industry or whether you're an academic, you might actually have to use a CV template. In some cases what you will need isn't a resume template whatsoever. The work description is the key to success. If you are searching for work, a well-written resumeis essential. Job searchers have a great deal of choices when it has to do with creating their resume. All the most appropriate for your job search! Notice how the example resumes are extremely specific when it has to do with technical skills. Thus it is necessary to locate a means to make your resume stand out of tons of different resumes, particularly whenever you're in design. Infographic resumes are impossible to comprehend, states MacIntyre. If you wish to be a graphic designer, you can display your graphic design abilities. Add a little private branding to your resume. Unless you happen to be a graphic designer looking for employment, there's no need to over think the plan of your one-pager. Combining a run of eye-catching graphics, humorous phrases and appropriate personal info, there's not any way a design studio couldn't be impressed by him. The Basic Facts of Amazing Resume Examples Creative Resume Content Whichever creative resume design you pick, the content has to be no problem to find and logically organized. A great resume demonstrates the form of person that you are. There are lots of free resume templates readily available online but sometimes it can be very tricky to decide on the best one that is most suited to you. Not simply with respect to content, but the resume ought to be unique in the pattern too. The Ultimate Amazing Resume Examples Trick There are lots of free creative resume templates yo u'll be able to use, enabling you to focus your energy on everything else you have to do. In addition to that, you receive the free resume fonts and icons you see here so you will be able to produce something similarly great. When it's appropriate, look at stepping way beyond the box. Up in Arms About Amazing Resume Examples? In truth, it's not that hard as it might appear to be. Professionally, our resumes are often the very first impression a prospective employer gets of us. Your resume needs to fix an issue for employers (which is the reason why they're hiring). Virtually every possible employer may wish to observe a resume from you.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Purchasing Sql Resume

Purchasing Sql Resume Sql Resume Fundamentals Explained There are many SQL certifications, and you may choose the best one which suits you most according to your interests. Additional skills required for a SQL Server Profile The IT industry is booming, and it's fantastic for freelancers also. It is a fast salary structure of a SQL Developer based on distinct locations in the united states. There're all set for save, if you need and want to receive it, just click save symbol in the webpage, and it's going be instantly saved in your desktop computer. Just remember that you wish to commit or rollback your transactions at the suitable times, based on whether an error was generated. In some instances you are going to want to raise a custom made error. The exact same error can happen for different reasons, and the error state can offer you a more clue inside this respect. To begin with, decide whether it is a manufacturing or development DBA. The Oracle Certification is among th e most sought-after industrial certifications. Experience or technical skills are fantastic facets that put an immediate effect on the salary of the SQL professionals. Excellent Java development abilities. It's essential knowing your client that may assist you in aligning your own personal brand with Company targets. There are a few industries which deal with big things which are required to be transferred from 1 place to another. The choices will likely become increasingly blurred, and NewSQL hybrid databases could supply some intriguing options later on. If you speak about the advantages you've brought to an organization you'll be able to give a proof which you have initiative. Sql Resume at a Glance Seeking errors is what developers do the majority of the time! If you're looking for Web Developer Resume Sample Download you've come to the correct spot. In this way, you can developer yourself in the very best approach to become hired. No developer to consider about design details. The Fundamentals of Sql Resume Revealed If you are looking for a role on the stage, set your stage experience first. Don't forget, your resume is only going to receive a few seconds attention, at best! If experiences aren't shown in a superb fashion, there are chances that your resume will be rejected straight away. Adding work experience can help and there are a lot of ways to help improve upon a deficiency of experience. If you are looking for for a part in television, set the television category first. As stated above, it's not so necessary that you study some courses linked to sales before you're able to make an application for the sales associate job. If you're a great negotiator, then it's possible to earn more at different career levels. The association between the percent of the work market and the salary range is provided below. If you haven't, it's also advisable to search in your memory for any jobs which possess the nature of serving clients. To compete for top database administrator work in today's fast-paced tech planet, you have to have a comprehensive resume that demonstrates your abilities and experience. You're able to work either as an individual or as a team, but it is very important to convince prospective clients that they've chosen the most dependable resources. Mobile technology is continually changing, so many businesses wish to employ in-house talent to keep yourself updated with the ever-shifting industry. The History of Sql Resume Refuted Since you are searching for an entry-level position, you'll want to concentrate on your technical skill collection. You may often locate these in the work description itself.2. Apart from knowing the things which you want to write on your resume, it's also wise to know the job functions that you should do in a daily basis should you get hired as a machine operator. For that reason, it can be rather challenging for you to compete with the others without writing a great sales associate resume. Attempt to disregard the cliches of the majority of articles saying that you always have to seem self-motivational. One of the greatest strategies to start is to have a look at the skills which are on analyst resume samples. How to demonstrate the experiences in your resume is a significant question makes you most appropriate for practically any work profile.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Resume Template for Teachers for Dummies

Resume Template for Teachers for Dummies Preschool is often known as little school, but it plays a huge part in the growth of a kid's natural learning abilities. At age 3 to 5, children continue to be at the phase of discovery. Preschool teachers carry a crucial function. Learning how to play violin is extremely engaging, entertaining activity. Each violin teacher differs, it's important to locate a teacher with whom you're comfortable learning, with a perfect balance of teacher-student relationships. Even if one of the parents works part-time, they is not going to have the ability to manage the intellectual and emotional development of their children. Resume Template for Teachers - Dead or Alive? When you're asking for a job which relies on the strengths of the person, you will need a resume template which you can inject a little more personality into to make it pop'. One of the chief benefits of using templates that are found on the internet to compose your resume is the simple fact you will save a great deal of time which you would have used to compose a resume. With the internet capabilities, teachers can discover various jobs on the internet to make the additional cash they want during the summertime. There are lots of beautiful resume temp lates out there, but nevertheless, it can be simple to feel as a lot of the greatest cost a ridiculous quantity of money, require special design programs in order to edit, or both. Things You Won't Like About Resume Template for Teachers and Things You Will If you are searching for Google Sites New Templates you've come to the proper spot. You may also download and utilize unique varieties of Substitute Teacher Resumes from our site. You may also have a look at our site for more resume formats you'll be able to use. It is possible to also take a look at our site for different sorts of Tutor Resumes to aid you produce high-quality resumes. You'll also understand how best to organize your information on the resume so you have higher odds of finding the job which you apply for. Double check to be sure that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. Should you want, you may try to customize the template that you chose a bit so it can reflect your personality and a lso so that it may fit the work application to produce the probability of you getting the job higher. Folks use all types of resume templates which use different type of design approaches, but ultimately it's always likely to come to the simple fact that your resume should convey a very clear message above your skills, your experience, and also why you'd be the ideal candidate for the position. The Fundamentals of Resume Template for Teachers You Can Learn From Starting Immediately Employers always wish to know, what changes you are able to bring out to their company which will bring about their success. Make certain you highlight the skills related to a certain employer. Demonstrate employers that you comprehend the essence of the job and also are acquainted with the requirements to get ready for the work properly. Most teachers should list all their certifications, or any time they anticipate receiving them. The fashion of functional, chronological, and combination are th ree major kinds of the resume. Once you have selected your perfect resume template from our selection, follow our completely free expert guidance about ways to craft the great modern resume. There are several different forms of templates for different job titles. You ought to use individuals internet sites to acquire the necessary web templates to acquire a lot superior work. You may also have a look at our website should you need to inspect on more free teacher resumes to hunt for additional templates you may use for your reference. There are lots of free resume templates readily available on the web but sometimes it can be quite tough to pick the best one that is most suited to you. Sometimes all you will need is a timeless style template that's clean, clear and right to the point. The True Meaning of Resume Template for Teachers So you have to produce the cover letter count. After you have prepared and submitted your resume to an employer the hope is you will be requested to attend work interview to talk about further whether you're going to be suitable. A great cover letter should complement you RESUME. If so, your resume can nevertheless be quantified, and provide the hiring manager a concrete idea of the reach of your abilities and abilities.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Up in Arms About Ziprecruiter Resume?

Up in Arms About Ziprecruiter Resume? Employers may also track candidates and utilize current employees' networks to give feedback on potential hires. Internships are an affordable way to evaluate candidates through hands-on testing. LinkedIn delivers many different products to receive your job postings in the front of the most qualified candidates. Craigslist is a great source to locate local candidates without having to spend an excessive amount of money. Finding candidates through a Google search is a potent recruitment sourcing strategy, but might take a good deal of time. Resume headlines are perfect for candidates with lots of experience. The Importance of Ziprecruiter Resume If you're on a 6 or 12-month plan, you will want to cancel within the initial 30 days so as to be qualified for a complete refund. If you aren't completely happy, ZipRecruiter delivers a complete refund within one month, with no questions asked. You may try out the ZipRecruiter free trial for this period of time. You're able to spare a whole lot of time and money by going with internet services to aid you with onboarding, employee management, time tracking, payroll and several other necessities. Also bear in mind that Linked In is used by the media when searching for experts to quote, so be certain to include contact info in your Profile. There's not a single right method to discover resumes via web search. The internet site will request that you choose a deal in an attempt to download or print your new resume. All the sites listed are totally free to post your resume. In general, among internet job posting sites, ZipRecruiter seems to have an extremely positive on-line reputation, with a few of the most usual compliments referencing ease of use, professional, friendly customer assistance, and that it's useful for promoting your work opening. You're not restricted to the particular search terms utilized in the examples. Great visual design and style may be thought of a positive add-on for the proper folks. The work search bar works excellent, but the job browsing page is a huge alternative also. Ok, I Think I Understand Ziprecruiter Resume, Now Tell Me About Ziprecruiter Resume! Other times, you might need to rewrite no more than the personal overview to coordinate with the work description. To put it differently, ZipRecruiter's initial revolve around volume might not have been all that sophisticated, but nonetheless, it ultimately enabled its data science efforts. A superb event flyer template serves the objective of presenting each one of the data in a well-organized and intriguing way. Take a look at this video for tips about how to incorporate behavioral questions into your candidate interviews. Adding a resume is optional, but it is strongly recommended you do so at the period of registration. You're able to use multiple location tools at the same time. It gives you the ability to import and manage resumes from different sources and supplies customizable templates for job invites. Take a look at free resume examples on the internet and you'll observe that headings ought to be the exact same all throughout. The Little-Known Secrets to Ziprecruiter Resume Try to remember that your resume is your very first line of defense in regards to landing your ideal job. To learn, you can want to try out the four-day ZipRecruiter free job posting option. When it has to do with your work history, begin with the latest job you had. DO make certain the remainder of your resume is completely machine readable. The Key to Successful Ziprecruiter Resume Expansion may be stressful, time-consuming and costly approach. The organization has a big small small business customer base, the its enterprise footprint is increasing at a rapid clip. Application organizations are throughout the web, so you could have come across My Perfect Curriculum vitae. A work software is simply a promotion with the important objective to acquire the candidate a piece conference. Picking the correct job application framework is critical to must appropriate approach to come up with program properly. While it is going to be a bit additional work, be certain to make a new headline for each work application. All work experience does not need to be listed if it doesn't deal with the skills required for the career change.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

What You Must Know About How to Write a Resume for Highschool Students

What You Must Know About How to Write a Resume for Highschool Students How to Write a Resume for Highschool Students - the Story The procedure for building your resume and applying online might take several hours. Taking the opportunity to work on your resume is critical. Making your resume is essential. Once your resume is finished, it's almost always a good idea to acquire critiques so your resume can come to be even more successful! All About How to Write a Resume for Highschool Students The incorrect hire can send things spinning, while the best one can totally transform their company. Speaking of unique, the principal purpose of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for the exact same job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also known as resume verbs). In the current attention-deficit planet, you've got to grab the interest of the person who you are talking to quickly. Most people today look at writing a resume as just something you've got to do to have a job. There are a lot of stylistic points to consider during the writing process. On the reverse side, in the event the work only requires a fundamental understanding of XML, and you list that you're a novice, you get a good possibility of making it in the list of applicants they wish to interview. It's also important to think about the sort of work you genuinely are interested in being hired to do. Now that the tough work is completed, you need to make certain everything is polished as possible. A great resume format is simple to scan. As soon as you have written and organized your information according to the kind of resume you've chosen, make certain to format it according to typical professional standards. Now you have your format picked out, you have to set your information in order. Alternatively, you should feel comfortable creating your very own standard format in Word that follows an overall outline. The Basics of How to Write a Resume for Highschool Students There are two kinds of font. Constructing a resume is an intimidating task should you do it alone. See below for exactly what things to include. The very last thing you desire is for your resume to let you down when you're actually the most suitable pick for the job. Well, regardless of what stage you're in your career, you're likely to should understand how to make a resume for a job interview and we will explain to you how! Each time you put in an application for a new job, check your resume to guarantee that it isn't only targeted, but in addition current. There isn't any time for procrastination once it comes to getting your perfect job. Spend some time matching your qualifications to the job to make sure you're including the acceptable key terms and abilities. Very clear and descriptive, the qualifications summary is fantastic if you're applying for employment that asks for quite a particular set of skills. As soon as you determine the skills you need to concentrate on, do some research and see whether they line up with job requirements listed for the positions you're seeking. If it's a previous job be sure to write your bullets in past tense. Despite the fact that you are there for no less than a couple of years, your employer will nonetheless wish to observe how you intend to donate to the company if you're hired for that position. The job, the business, and the institution proved not the appropriate fit for me. You are also able to get a feeling of the internal language used within a specific industry or company. If you have to incorporate employment history that dates back further than 15 years due to you r accomplishments or due to the business's reputation, it's recommended that you leave off your dates of employment. What How to Write a Resume for Highschool Students Is - and What it Is Not Even thought you may not will need to update your resume, it is a fantastic exercise which will help you better understand the procedure and enable your students to find a specialist model revision. If you have a specific language ability that might be relevant to an employer, you may include an abilities or languages section with that info. Since you might not have plenty of experience, it's important to include information that's pertinent to your intended job like coursework, projects, extracurricular activities, or volunteer work. A web-based search can help you to come across programs to in which to participate. You might not have LinkedIn testimonials. You might not know exactly where to begin or you might have a resume or CV that needs polishing. Writing a resume can be an intimi dating task. The Federal hiring procedure is tedious, not not possible.